
Six Ways to Solve Echo Microphone Issues

Six Ways to Solve Echo Microphone Issues
4 min read

10 years ago, Amazon released the first edition of the Echo. I had my doubts when it was first released if it would be a success or not. Fast forward 10 years later and now Google, Apple and many other large companies have created similar devices as the demand for personal assistants has risen. It has now become completely normal to bark out orders to a speaker or TV in the room obeying your every whim. It was quite uncommon to ask a speaker what the weather was like or to create a shopping list. These tasks used to be accomplished by a television and a pen and paper.

These amazing pieces of technology have made our lives a lot easier however, sometimes Echo devices have issues with their microphone. This can be absolutely devastating to the functionality of your Echo. It is quite difficult for Alexa to understand your commands if the microphone is not functional. Luckly there are a few easy fixes that might help if your Echo is having issues with its microphone. Here are a few troubleshooting ideas for you to try before giving up on your Echo.

Turn it off and on again.

It may sound silly, but in the IT, world turning it off and on again solves most of the issues we encounter. By restarting the Echo you are setting the system, fixing any software issues or bugs that may be causing the issue. To restart the echo, you simply need to unplug your Echo from the wall entirely. It is also recommended that you wait about 10 seconds before reconnecting the Echo to power again.

Hit the mute button

All Amazon Echo devices are equipped with a hardwired microphone button used to toggle the microphone off and on. This feature was implemented for people who are concerned that Alexa might be listening in on your private conversations. We definitely don't want Amazon knowing what your plans for lunch are! I suggest that you keep the microphone turned off for at least one minute before testing if your issue has been fixed.

Voice Profiles

If you have tried muting and restarting your Echo and do not see any improvement, it could be that your Echo devices needs some help understanding you. Everyone has a unique voice, and sometimes Alexa has difficulty deciphering what you are saying. The solution for this is to setup Voice Profiles. You can even setup a different voice profile for everyone in your home! Check out this article for help on setting up Voice Profiles if you think this solution will help you fix your issues.

Move your Echo

Echo devices are equipped with far-field microphone arrays which enables Echo to not only hear your commands, but also understand where in the room those commands are coming from. Echo will even indicate where in the room the command is coming from by turning on a blue light with a brighter light in the direction that the sound is coming from. If you are trying to activate your Echo and you are not seeing a blue light, repositioning your Echo may help fix your issues. You can spin the echo so it faces a different direction or moving it entirely will likely solve the problem. According to Amazon, you should place your Echo device in the center of the room, but that is not always practical. You should try and avoid placing the Echo near anything that emits ambient noise that could confuse the Echo from hearing your voice.

Restart your router

Another possibility is that the issue is not coming from the Echo itself. Instead, it could be a connectivity issue. In order for Alexa to work it needs to be connected to the internet. Another possible solution is restarting your router, fixing the connection between the router and your Echo. Some routers even allow you to prioritize devices which would ensure your Echo would have the best connection possible.

Reset the Echo

If all else fails and you have exhausted all other options, you may need to reset your Echo. If you decide to perform a factory reset on your Echo device, it will return to the original settings that it came with out of the box. Don't forget if you factory reset your Echo you will need to setup your Echo again from scratch, just like the first time you setup your Echo. This can be a pain, however if you have exhausted all other options, it is definitely worth it. Please refer to your user manual for instructions on how to perform a factory reset.